karma is on holiday
   Friday, July 18, 2003
After four hours of work at my new job, muscles I didn't know I had are digging their heels in and braying at the abuse. I am, relatively maimed for now. Yesterday, however, the pain was all up both legs and in my feet and lower back. Now it's just my shins and thighs. Hopefully all will be well after another good night's sleep. Fingers crossed.

Song of the Moment: Ripper Soul - Stomp

   Wednesday, July 16, 2003
The challenge is to find six words I enjoy. Whether you understand them or not is your problem.
  1. surreptitious
  2. deluge
  3. velvet
  4. explosive
  5. instananeous
  6. archangel

   Tuesday, July 15, 2003
*squee* I got my glasses today! but, minus the fughly (mine are a gorgeous red-purple colour). The glasses complete my plan to be the ultimate geek girl. bwa haha haha ha.

   Wednesday, July 09, 2003
  1. Drama Rocks. Particularly when you don't have to act and several of your good friends are in it. Plays make you feel cultured, regardless of the fact that they're non-sensical piece(s) of bullshit.
  2. Friends Rock. It doesn't matter how little sleep you get the night before, how much talking you do during the night or how much shopping you do the following day: you will almost always feel happy and able to make light of a situation. And: should ill befall you, they're there to bitch about it to. A splendid arrangement all in all.
  3. Clothes Rock. I'm not used to liking clothes shopping because usually clothes aren't in my size and I feel depressed saying "The largest they have is too small." But one of my favourite stores is (unfortunately) having a closing-down sale, and lots and lots of delightful things in my size are 10 bucks, Needless to say money went a long way. Also: clothes shopping with friends rocks.

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